
Pui Yee / Jo-yee / 23
Capricorn / Cancer


Skin by flwsdaisy. Image from transparent and wanaseoby
Wednesday, 22 July 2015 | 5:06 am | 1Comment

My first encounter with Paper Towns  was a month ago; having worked on one of my last campaigns at my previous work place. I had to click on the movie trailer to make sure the destination link works and eventually find myself watching it until the end. I don't usually bother with all these movie trailers but this is indie-different.
This is it. I need to watch this, I keep telling myself.
I finally had the pleasure to be among the firsts in town to watch it via the #NNPremiereScreening (middle seat, yo. Thanks Nuffnang!). Can't believe so many people I asked to watch with me declined. I mean, you can reject me but how can you say NO to err, Cara Delevingne?

Anyway, I didn't get to read the book yet and I was glad because I loved the movie as it is. Will definitely get my hands on the book soon (tomorrow!) as I heard the written version is better. Ah whatever, I never believed in movie adaptations, anyway (let's hope I won't have deferring opinion once I start/finish reading the book). Now, depending entirely on a single movie trailer I didn't know what else the movie is going to be about besides a scoop of adventure bordering on teen romance. Well, the trailer did say it's going to take us 'further' (while on a mission, to a place which could possibly be a fantasy world called Paper Town) so I was prepared for that.

Well, tbh I didn't expect to acquire so much more, to a degree where I was still thinking about it after a round of supper, a Skype conversation with a friend (whom I've badgered to go watch the movie once it's out) right until I lay down on my bed, hair still wet after a cold shower.

In fact, I can't get over it. I need to write this down. Mostly scrambled and plethoric thoughts but, ya whatever.

The story was great. Incomparable to The Fault in Our Stars, even (I'm sorry TFIOS' fans! As an apology, go watch Paper Towns, Augustus played cameo in it. You're welcome, haha). Coming from a realist, it didn't bother me so much when a group of high school kids could:
  1. Extemporaneously hop on a straight 24 hours drive in to the south to find the girl the lead loves
  2. The raunchy, adult jokes (among school kids, mind you) and;
  3. The amount of alcohol consumption which took place around seemingly indifferent parents

I couldn't care less about all that really, when you start to look at the story in its entirety - it is funny when it's supposed to be and has its own melancholic teen-romance moments and a bittersweet ending. And the theme, yes, the theme - the one that got me so hooked until now. In the meaning of the title, lies a string of metaphors and it really depends on how you decipher it.

And this is how I see it: We're always so quick to imagine how a person is, how you ought to be - an ideal individual with perfect traits (miracle), to go to great places and dream of doing great things (adventure) and craft an absolute story to tell the world (mystery), to which we will eventually believe in the things we want to believe in. People portray to the outside only the admirable and the good and sadly, they pay more attention to pleasantries or at least not in the way it should be.

And in this paper-thin, paper-frail town of made believe, I've come to realize that beneath this self lies inadequacies and uncertainties. And as much as I'm comfortable of not breaking my turtle shell I also constantly find myself worrying about what other people think of me. Dude, it's time to be responsible and to take control of my own story.
Because each of our stories are nothing, but a mystery. 

Sorry abrupt ending, but seriously go watch it.