Sunday, 14 December 2014 | 9:00 pm | 0Comment
So I discovered a miracle through a magical person with her magical songs at last week's Urbanscapes. Wasn't really a fan of indie pop but Kimbra can be an exception. I guess one can either really love her or hate her. She was so powerful and pumped up on stage I absolutely ruff her!
More of Kimbra-goodness.
#kimbrashots taken by Kenneth Tan because I suck.
And when I say I suck means I really am. Nah, photography evidence:
LOL. Compare this and the ones above. Much fail.
*pulls covers*
Local Natives
K this one I took wan, at least not that bad hor.
I'm just gonna dump all the pictures from my camera here so please bear with me.
And this was how the sky looked like by 6pm.
Sorry random guy and his girlfriend. I just like your tattoos, totally not stalking you nope.
Spot a monkey face
Can I haz a GoPro?
On a totally unrelated note, should I cut bangs ah?
It's Lucas!
Wah out of focus
Paging for my other yee. Woman where have you gone missing?